Treatment Introduction


The nutritional supplement mainly contains ingredients such as Kidney acid, Vitamin B, and glucose, which are intended to supplement the body's needs and enhance energy and immunity. It is suitable for alleviating fatigue, improving physical strength, and providing protection.


Surgery Time

Treatment Time
50-60 minutes
Maintenance Frequency
It is recommended to have the treatment once every one to two weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does long-term administration of Drip infusion have side effects? Will it cause dependency?
Unless encountering problems with certain medications or having a special constitution that is allergic to drugs, ordinary people generally will not experience side effects. Because beauty drips are non-pharmaceuticals, extremely gentle and safe procedures, they will not generate drip dependency problems.
Can Drip Infusion be administered during pregnancy?
Although Drip Infusion does not involve drugs, in order to ensure the health and safety of the fetus, pregnant women should avoid unnecessary cosmetic treatments unless they are essential or in an emergency situation.
Does Drip infusion have side effects? How often can it be administered?
Unless there is a special constitution of drug allergy, in general, there will be no side effects. It is recommended to have a treatment course of 1 to 2 times a week.
Why is Drip infusion better than oral supplementation?
Drip infusion can prevent the nutrients from being destroyed by the digestive tract or being metabolized and absorbed in the limited capacity of the intestine during transportation. Taking vitamin C as an example, the utilization rate of supplementing with beauty drips is more than 9 times higher than that of oral intake.