Treatment Introduction


Botulinum toxin is an FDA-approved medication that has been proven to quickly smooth out dynamic wrinkles, such as forehead lines, frown lines, and crow's feet. It is a purified protein extracted from the secretion of bacteria using technology. Its main ingredient is highly purified "botulinum toxin type A," which is a neurotransmitter blocker that reduces muscle contraction tension and helps facial muscles relax, leading to the smoothing of wrinkles. When used for muscle injection, it can relax over-contracted muscles, eliminate wrinkles, prevent the formation of lines, and reduce excessive muscle movement to create a firmer-looking face.

Product Features


Applicable to


Eliminate wrinkles

Botulinum toxin can be used to eliminate dynamic wrinkles such as frown lines, crow's feet, forehead lines, full face lifting, chin lines, uneven chin, eyebrow shaping, sadness lines, nasal wrinkles, and more.
Expression-induced wrinkles are difficult to control, but botulinum toxin works on the nerve endings to inhibit acetylcholine release, which relaxes the muscles and smooths out the wrinkles.

 Thin face/square face

The well-developed chewing muscles on the cheeks are the reason why Asians have a wider face shape than Westerners. Therefore, even with diet and exercise, it is difficult to slim down the facial muscles. Injecting botulinum toxin can make the overdeveloped chewing muscles on both sides lose tension and reduce activity, thus helping to achieve a slim and beautiful facial shape.

Botulinum toxin can be used to eliminate bulky calf muscles

Through the injection of botulinum toxin, the release of acetylcholine that affects the "muscles" can be blocked, allowing the calf muscles to relax. After the injection treatment, the injected area begins to reduce muscle movement, achieving the function of slimming down the calf.

Botulinum toxin can be used to treat hyperhidrosis

Causes of excessive sweating are numerous, mainly due to issues with the sweat glands. Sympathetic nerve damage or abnormal responses can lead to excessive secretion of acetylcholine by nerve fibers controlled by the central nervous system, resulting in an overproduction of sweat.
Injecting botulinum toxin into the treated area will bind to the terminals of small nerve fibers in the dermis and inhibit the release of the neurotransmitter "acetylcholine", which blocks the transmission of nerves to muscles and suppresses sweat gland secretion.

❀ Precautions for Botox USA

  1. For your treatment safety, please provide a complete medical history.
  2. Clearly communicate your needs.
  3. Not appropriate before attending important events!
  4. Not for patients with myasthenia gravis!
  5. Not suitable for pregnant women!
  6. Not recommended if you are breastfeeding!
  7. Not recommended if the injection site is infected!

 Postoperative for Botox USA

  1. Within 4 hours after the injection, do not massage or rub the injection site and its surrounding area, and do not lie down or engage in intense exercise.
  2. Within 1 week after the injection, avoid staying in high-temperature environments for a long time (such as saunas, hot springs, and under the scorching sun).
  3. There may be bruising or swelling at the injection site, and applying ice can help relieve the symptoms.
  4. If there are any abnormalities other than bruising or swelling at the injection site, please contact the clinic immediately.

Surgery Time

Treatment Time
10 minutes
Anesthesia time
15 minutes
Recovery period
3-7 days
Maintenance time
4-6 months (varying depending on individual physique and lifestyle habits)

Real Case

Frequently Asked Questions

How often does Botox need to be administered?
Each person's body has different metabolic rate and different aesthetic requirements, so it varies from person to person. Some people will follow the original manufacturer's recommendation to apply every 4~6 months.
When can I see the results after Botox?
The effect of wrinkle reduction can be seen in about 4-7 days and can be maintained for 4-6 months.
The effect of masticatory muscles and face is about 1-2 months, such as bite muscle weakness phenomenon, this condition is normal and need not worry too much.
The effect of calf muscle injection for radish leg treatment can be seen in 1-2 months due to the large and firm leg muscles. (If the treatment area has a large muscle, it will take 3~4 treatments to achieve significant results)
Will there be any pain or discomfort with Botox?
Some patients may feel like a mosquito bite or a sharp nail prick, and a few may feel mild discomfort. In addition, the pain associated with very small injections can be minimized.
Does Botox have any side effects?
Bruising and headache are common short-term side effects. Overdosing or improper injection site may cause localized muscle weakness. When side effects occur, they are usually mild and temporary, and do not cause permanent damage.
Will Botox injections cause skin laxity or atrophy if injected frequently?
Muscle atrophy is a possible occurrence as the principle of botulinum toxin is to inhibit the secretion of neurotransmitter acetylcholine at nerve endings, thereby blocking the transmission of nerve signals and reducing excessive muscle activity.