Treatment Introduction

"AestheFill® is a new form of poly(dicyclic) lactic acid (PDLLA), a thermoplastic polymer derived from renewable resources of corn and potato, which is a biocompatible and biodegradable material and has been used in the medical field for many years. AestheFill is a natural collagen booster that can promote the growth of collagen and elastin to improve nasolabial folds, wrinkles and overall facial problems.

Product Features for


 Applicable parts for AestheFill® 
AestheFill® is designed for Asian people to fill wrinkles and increase collagen in the face, including the Sunken Sun, Apple, Cheek hollows, Decollete's lines, narrow lines, chin line and sagging skin.

  1. Fills in hollows and folds of the skin
  2. Facial Fat Atrophy Correction
  3. Full face priming back to spring puff
  4. IImprove skin texture - fine lines, pores, brightening, firming

Notes on AestheFill®

【Pre-Operation Precautions】

  1. Patients with severe mental abnormalities, severe allergies or scarring such as Keloid, psychological disorders, cardiovascular and other important organ diseases, systemic or injection site infections, and use of anticoagulant drugs must be evaluated carefully by a physician.
  2. Patients who have had surgery, implants, or fillers such as porcelain (microcrystalline porcelain), hyaluronic acid, hydrocrystalline, artificial dermis or collagen in the past month should inform the doctor in advance.
  3. Pregnant or breastfeeding women are not allowed to use it before treatment.
  4. Not to be used if you are taking muscle relaxant medication prior to treatment.
  5. Aspirin is prohibited before injection to avoid bruising at the injection site
Post-Operative Precautions
  1. However, it should be noted that after the treatment, it is forbidden to compress the treated area, for example, avoid wearing glasses, sunglasses, and overly tight masks on the nasal bridge for one week, and avoid compressing the chin and apple muscle for one week.
  2. On the day of injection, avoid touching the affected area, massage the injection site, and clean it with gentle movements and cold water below room temperature.
  3. Do not drink alcohol.
  4. Avoid strenuous exercise and swimming for 24 hours after injection.
  5. Avoid visiting high temperature places such as sauna, oven, steam room, hot spring, sauna, etc. within 72 hours after injection.
  6. Those taking aspirin or other similar anticoagulant drugs may have an increased chance of bruising and bleeding, which may in turn affect the speed of wound healing.
  7. After the procedure, apply wet compresses or moisturizing products to the area of application.

Surgery Time

Treatment Time
30 minutes
Anesthesia time
15 minutes
Recovery period
3-7 days
Maintenance time
25 months (depending on individual's physical condition and lifestyle)

Frequently Asked Questions

After receiving AestheFill treatment, how should I take care of my skin at home?
You can apply antibiotic ointment to alleviate the symptoms after AestheFill treatment. You can also use an ice pack to reduce swelling and bruising. Avoid exposing the treated area to sunlight and ensure to maintain proper moisturization and sun protection until the treated area has fully recovered.
What possible reactions may occur after AestheFill treatment?
Possible reactions after the procedure include redness, swelling, and bruising, which typically improve within a few hours to 7 days. There is also a possibility of developing a hematoma, which typically resolves within a few hours to two weeks.
How many bottles/doses of AestheFill are needed for a complete treatment?
The complete recommended treatment for AestheFill is typically divided into three sessions, and the number of vials or doses administered during each session can vary depending on individual factors and goals. It is essential to discuss your desired improvement goals with a physician before the treatment to estimate the necessary dosage accurately.
What areas can AestheFill be injected into?
AestheFill can be injected into fine lines, facial areas with hollowing, and the temples. The concentration and dosage of the filler can be adjusted according to the specific needs of the individual administering the treatment to stimulate collagen production and rejuvenate the skin.
How soon can the results be seen after AestheFill injection?
The PDLLA in AestheFill starts stimulating collagen production in the body after injection, and the results can gradually be seen around 12 weeks.