Treatment Introduction

Restylane®Hyaluronic Acid

Restylane, the world's leading brand of hyaluronic acid from Sweden, was introduced to Taiwan in 2003 and is the first approved hyaluronic acid brand in Taiwan. With the continuous introduction of new dosage forms, Restylane has a comprehensive product line of seven dosage forms covering small, medium and large hyaluronic acid molecules, resulting in an extremely high number of annual injections of Restylane hyaluronic acid, with over 15 million users worldwide. Hyaluronic acid (also known as hyaluronic acid) is a polysaccharide that is naturally present in the skin and can increase and tighten the moisture in the skin, thus maintaining skin elasticity and shape. Compared to traditional static hyaluronic acid injections, it can naturally move and adapt to the skin's movements and expressions after injection, thus achieving a more natural effect. Dynamic hyaluronic acid is commonly used as a filler for the face and body to help improve the appearance of hollows and wrinkles and to add body to the face.


❀Product Features




Rexlan Series is suitable for

1. Facial depressions (conjugal palace, tear trough, sunken eye sockets, etc.)
2. For those who want to have refined features (nose job, chin job, forehead augmentation, etc.)
3. Static wrinkles caused by aging (fine lines under the eyes, sagging eye wrinkles, lines under the eyes, marionette lines, etc.)
4. Face shape asymmetry.
5. Those who do not want surgery.
Those who want to see immediate results.

Precautions for Restylane Hyaluronic Acid

【Pre-Operation Precautions】

  1. Patients with severe mental abnormalities, severe allergies or scarring such as Keloid, psychological disorders, cardiovascular and other important organ diseases, systemic or injection site infections, and use of anticoagulant drugs must be evaluated carefully by a physician.
  2. Patients who have had surgery, implants, or fillers such as porcelain (microcrystalline porcelain), hyaluronic acid, hydrocrystalline, artificial dermis or collagen in the last month should inform the doctor in advance
  3. Pregnant or breastfeeding women are not allowed to use it before treatment.
  4. Not to be used if you are taking muscle relaxant medication prior to treatment.
  5. Aspirin is prohibited prior to injection to avoid bruising at the injection site.
Post-Operative Precautions

  1. However, it should be noted that after the treatment, it is forbidden to compress the treated area, for example, avoid wearing glasses, sunglasses, and overly tight masks for one week on the root of the nose, and avoid compressing the chin and apple muscle for one week.
  2. On the day of injection, avoid touching the affected area, massage the injection site, and clean it with gentle movements and cold water below room temperature.
  3. Do not drink alcohol.
  4. Avoid strenuous exercise and swimming for 24 hours after injection.
  5. Avoid visiting high temperature places such as sauna, oven, steam room, hot spring and sauna within 72 hours after injection.
  6. Aspirin or other similar anticoagulant drugs may increase the chance of bruising and bleeding, which in turn may affect the speed of wound healing.
  7. After the procedure, you can apply more wet compresses or moisturizing products to the area of application.

Surgery Time

Treatment Time
30 minutes
Anesthesia time
15 minutes
Recovery period
3-7 days (varies from person to person)
Maintenance time
10-12 months (depending on the individual's physical condition and lifestyle)

Real Case

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can the effects of Restylane® last?
The effects of Restylane® can last for approximately 18 to 24 months, varying for each individual based on factors such as metabolism and lifestyle habits, which can affect the absorption rate.
What precautions should be taken after receiving Restylane® injections?
After the treatment, it is recommended to avoid high-temperature environments such as saunas and hot springs for the next two weeks. It is also advisable to refrain from touching or massaging the treated area on the face for at least one week.
What precautions should be taken before receiving Restylane® injections?
Before receiving Restylane® injections, it is important to have a thorough discussion and communication with the physician. It is essential to follow the professional assessment and instructions provided by the doctor. It is also important to ensure that the product packaging contains authentic hyaluronic acid from the original manufacturer. Additionally, it is crucial to inform the physician about any recent history of aesthetic treatments undergone.
How long does the treatment session usually take?
When receiving Restylane® injections, a single treatment session typically takes around 10 to 40 minutes, varying depending on the treated area.
How soon can I see the results after the Restylane® treatment, and how long can the effects last?
After receiving Restylane® injections, the results are typically visible immediately or shortly after the treatment. However, the timing and extent of the results can vary depending on individual factors. The effects of the treatment can last for approximately 10 to 12 months.