Treatment Introduction


The Liposonix is a non-invasive procedure that uses a high-energy focused ultrasound system. It destroys and dissolves unwanted fat cells without damaging the skin and other surrounding connective tissues - while the surface of the dual probes emits a low temperature of 5C. This allows the patient to feel comfortable. Quick Lipo Fat Burner can quickly and immediately achieve fat reduction and sculpting effect. On average, one session can eliminate about 2cm of abdominal circumference. Can treat two areas at the same time.


❀Product Features



all non-invasive fat loss treatment is mainly local sculpting function, not weight loss treatment; body health care should rely on personal diet control and the development of daily exercise habits, is the best solution 

We have Inbody body analyzer available for use, welcome to learn more about your body quality.


Note on the Liposonix

  1. Hernia
  2. Any type of implant or foreign body in the treatment area
  3. Open wounds or severe skin disease in the treatment area
  4. Pregnant or breastfeeding women, children
  5. Insufficient fat thickness in the treated area
***For other symptoms, please consult your local physician or business person for advice.

  1. There will be no wounds on the treated area, and the skin can be cleaned according to normal procedures, avoiding the use of overly hot water or other means of stimulating the skin.
  2. After the treatment, there may be temporary minor pain, contusion, bruising, redness and edema, etc., which will subside in 1-2 weeks after the procedure.
  3. It is recommended to drink more water after the treatment, 1500~2000ml a day, and control the diet and regular exercise to achieve the best results.
  4. Please refer to the product leaflet for more details and consult your doctor for advice.

Surgery Time

Treatment Time
30 minutes
Maintenance time
Recommended once a month

Real Case

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the Liposonix treatment specifically recommended?
The Liposonix treatment is specifically recommended for several reasons. It offers two different penetration depths, 9mm and 13mm, allowing for simultaneous treatment with two handpieces. This reduces the treatment time and increases the treatment area compared to traditional devices. The treatment range has been enlarged from 30x30mm to 46x46mm, providing advantages in terms of cost-effectiveness and shorter treatment duration. The intelligent Contact Cooling Control (C.C.C) system ensures a constant temperature of 5°C through a water cooling system in direct contact with the skin surface. This transformation has changed the treatment experience from being previously painful and intolerable to gentle and comfortable.
Do you experience any discomfort during Liposonix treatment?
It is possible to experience mild redness and swelling at the treated area during Liposonix treatment. These symptoms typically subside gradually within a few hours. In some cases, users may experience tenderness or bruising, which usually resolves within 7-14 days.
Why is the Liposonix treatment specifically recommended?
It is certified by the Taiwan Department of Health and approved by the US FDA. The non-invasive nature of the treatment, without the need for surgery or anesthesia, makes it an ideal choice for individuals seeking to achieve their desired body shape.
What are the fat reduction principles of Liposonix?
Liposonix utilizes high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) technology to deliver thermal energy into the subcutaneous fat layer, achieving non-invasive fat destruction.
Which type of individuals are suitable for this treatment?
Patients with an adequate fat layer of approximately 2.5cm when pinched, those with water retention, individuals seeking localized sculpting, and patients with a body mass index (BMI) below 30 are all suitable candidates for the Sculpture treatment.