Treatment Introduction

Discovery Pico-Eliminate pesky dark spots and regain smooth and radiant skin.

Discovery Pico is less likely to cause post-laser pigmentation than the previous generation Nanosecond laser, also known as Skin resurfacing laser, because it evolved from nanosecond to picosecond, which shortened the laser's contact time with the skin by 1000 times. In addition, picosecond laser is a mechanical shockwave rather than heat, which does not cause damage to the skin.


Discovery Pico features:

1High output energy
The output power of Discovery Pico can reach up to 1.8GW, which is 2-5 times higher than the power of regular PicoSure. Despite this, the recovery period after treatment is still relatively short.
The highest output energy is 800mJ, which is higher than other picosecond laser models. The maximum treatment spot size is 9mm, allowing for deeper treatment depth.

2The pulse time is very short

The pulse duration of Discovery Pico is 450 picoseconds, which is shorter than other machines with a pulse duration of 750 picoseconds. This shorter duration allows for the "instantaneous shattering" of melanin with less heat damage, resulting in less postoperative re-pigmentation and fewer side effects.
3、 Multi-wavelengthDual-pulse duration Refix Super Lens (Focusing lens)Multiple laser probes
Different wavelengths and different spot sizes can be used for different needs. It can target a variety of skin lesions, especially various types of pigmented lesions.
In particular, it has a square-shaped probe, which can avoid incomplete treatment due to gaps between circular light spots in the past when removing tattoos, or excessive treatment at overlapping points due to overlapping light spots in order to achieve complete treatment.

Discovery Pico Indications:
Benign pigmented lesion (freckles, sun spots, age spots, nevus of Ota), tattoo, uneven skin tone, mole, atrophic scar, wrinkles.


Cautions for PicoSure® Picosecond Laser:

  1. Exfoliation and excessive exposure to sunlight or sunburn are prohibited for one week prior to the procedure.
  2. No acid therapy or other phototherapy within the previous month.
  3. Avoid smoking, second-hand smoke.
  4. Do not use acid-based care products after surgery and avoid skin irritation, such as face treatment, face packs, exfoliation, and application of irritating care products. Strengthen sun protection and moisturizing to prevent re-tanning (i.e. post-laser pigmentation).
  5. Do not go to the sauna, swimming pool or hot springs for two weeks after the treatment.

Surgery Time

Treatment Time
20 minutes
Anesthesia time
15 minutes
Recovery period
3-7 days
Maintenance time
Recommended once a month

Real Case

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I apply makeup after undergoing Discovery Pico treatment?
It is recommended to give your skin 1-2 days of rest after the treatment before applying makeup.
What are the special precautions that need to be taken after the completion of Discovery Pico?
Do not use whitening and acid products for one week after surgery, and do not undergo exfoliation or peeling treatments.
Avoid high temperature places (e.g., sauna, ovens, hot springs).
If you have scabs, do not remove the scabs with your hands, and make sure to enhance moisturizing and sun protection.
Each person's skin condition is different, so the treatment time and attention time will be different.
What issues can Discovery Pico improve?
It effectively removes sunspots, freckles, melasma, Ota nevus, liver spots, and tattoos. At the same time, it can refine the skin, shrink pores, and brighten skin tone, among other benefits.
Will I experience any discomfort when I have a dermaplaning?
The redness around the face will generally decrease within a few hours after the treatment is completed, but the body type varies from person to person.
What are the precautions to take before undergoing Discovery Pico laser treatment?
Do not use A-acids or photosensitizing medications, do not exfoliate or peel, and avoid excessive sun exposure until two weeks after the treatment.
Please consult your doctor beforehand if you are taking medication or are allergic or pregnant. Before the procedure, you can enhance the moisturization.