Treatment Introduction

Platelet Rich Plasma

Autologous platelets for tissue regeneration Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is also known as proliferative therapy, rejuvenation therapy or regenerative medicine therapy. Platelets not only have the function of stopping bleeding, but also release various growth factors and cytokines to promote healing, help cell proliferation, differentiation and angiogenesis, originally used in orthopedics and rehabilitation to treat joint degeneration. The use of high concentration platelet plasma for direct injection is equivalent to the direct provision of growth factors needed for cellular repair, which will result in faster and more effective tissue regeneration and repair.

Platelet Rich Plasma Process


The PRP Advantage

  1. Innovation:PRP regenerative medicine uses the patient's own platelets to promote tissue repair and regeneration, and is an innovative and scientifically well-documented treatment technique.
  2. Safety:Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) uses the patient's own blood without risk of foreign body or disease infection, and it is the cleanest and most secure supplement.
  3. Effectiveness:PRP regenerative medicine treatments can promote tissue repair and regeneration and have significant benefits for many conditions, such as joint pain, muscle damage, and skin disorders.

Application of PRP

  1. It allows cells to regenerate quickly and effectively, revitalizing, stimulating and anti-aging; it is applied to rejuvenate and remove wrinkles, skin firming and achieve a complete rejuvenation effect.
  2. The high concentration and viscous plasma gel is used to fill in wrinkles, hollows and dents to achieve the effect of aesthetic micro-contouring.
After receiving TGF injections, it takes a few days to a few weeks for the damaged or degenerated tissue to heal, and symptoms will gradually improve as the tissue heals.

Surgery Time

Treatment Time
30 minutes
Recovery period
3-7 days (varies from person to person)
Maintenance Frequency
Recommended once every 6~12 months

Real Case

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for PRP non-surgical injections to start working?
Generally 1 to 2 months to start the results of treatment.
Is there swelling and bruising with PRP non-surgical injections?
There will be a slight swelling, but no bruising. This is because there is a large amount of platelets in the prepared plasma that have a coagulation effect, so there will not be a bruise.
What are the advantages of PRP over some other wrinkle reduction techniques?
This technology is a high concentration of growth factor plasma made from autologous blood that is non-reactive and has passed European CE, SQS and most European safety regulations.
What are the applications of PRP in medical beauty?
It lifts and regenerates the skin as a whole, repairing and recombining the skin's texture, collagen and elastin. Since this technique is targeted at the skin structure, it works not only on a single skin problem, but on the whole range of problems such as: allergic skin, wrinkles, pits, dark circles, eye bags, large pores, rough skin (hands, neck), sagging skin, dullness and darkness.
What is the so-called PRP treatment?
PRP (platelet-rich plasma or growth factor-rich plasma) is used in surgery, cardiac surgery and burns to treat previously untreatable conditions such as large burns, chronic ulcers and limb ulcers. Autologous Cell Rejuvenation is a non-invasive medical aesthetic technique for facial rejuvenation based on PRP technology: ACR, in which multiple growth factors work in concert to regenerate damaged skin.